Good Year Farms is a nursery in the Pacific Northwest specializing in plants native to the region. We grow many of our own plants from a range of genetic sources as well as network with other native plant nurseries to provide a wide and interesting selection. 


We are a family farm, established in the early 2000s, when we bought a property abundant in abandoned tires. After steady work "harvesting the crop” and some revolutions around the sun, we continue to work together to try to leave the earth “better” than how we found it. A ragtag pack of farm animals have joined the clan and provide entertainment and friendship. Lois and Cheeto are resident fur pigs while Hoyle and Peppercorn are disparately sized goats. There are a number of birds that call the farm home including chickens, wild and domestic ducks, wild geese, at least one Great Blue Heron, an American Kestrel, a Barn Owl, towhees, jays, sometimes Northern Harriers, and Hummingbirds. 


We work closely with a number of educational, volunteer, and civic organizations to provide applied ecological education to the community. Landscaping with species native to our region provides benefits to a wide web of beings; pollinators and people alike. 


Contact us with questions.